Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Scheduling Update! Stay Tuned to This Blog!

I haven't heard anything officially yet. (Nothing is official until I hear it from Bobbie - see previous posts!) However, never let it be said that Jayson is afraid to post unofficial "facts" and scheduling changes.

Anyway, it looks like our guys might be off for a bit of an Easter break. Check back on the Parkland Football blog for the official scheduling changes.


QuadRacer said...

Raiders 2years ago for Citys
-Eric L

Jayson said...

Ding! Ding! Ding!

You got it QuadRacer. As far as I know that's the only other time that the RAMs have lost in Midgets. And as coach Fricker pointed out in the local paper - a lot of those RAMs have played football for years and never lost a game.

Parkland Football - Scheduled Events